Rider Profile: Darryl Hebb

Darryl stands victorious after conquering the Tail of the Dragon!

Throttle Blogger will feature some riding friends from time to time, and this is one of those times! The only real requirement to be featured is that you reply to my email request. Some of our featured friends are riders, others are passengers, but all like hopping on a bike and heading out for an adventure.

Up today is Darryl Hebb, who managed to get himself kicked out of the state of New Jersey, and who refers to himself as “a Plains people transplanted into the inbred bowels of Southern Redneck Utopia, also known as Alabama!” (OK, he didn’t really get kicked out of the state, but I’m sure he was asked to leave on more than one occasion!)

Darryl and I go back more than a few years and have shared many good times, on the road and off. He’s referenced in several stories posted on Throttle Blogger and is partially responsible for getting me back into riding motorcycles after stepping away for a while.

Here are a few questions Darryl was kind enough to answer:

TB: How did you get involved in riding, or who got you started with riding?
DarryI: I started out as most of us, on a mini bike and then a 3 wheeler, My first “real bike” had to be a 77 YZ80 I say real bike because during that time no one really batted an eye at a dirt bike on the streets and it was truly my freedom machine.

TB: When did you start riding?
DarryI: My first memory of riding a bike was when I was 6-7 years old.

TB: Memory/memories of your first time on a bike?
DarryI: I was not ready for that tourqasauras known as the 5HP Briggs…….. 

TB: What is your current bike? 
DarryI: I am currently the proud owner of a 2015 Street Glide Special.

TB: What was the favorite bike you’ve owned?
DarryI: It would have to be my current sled, 105HP and 114FPT and by far the most comfortable I have ever owned.

TB: What is your dream bike? 
DarryI: Dream Bike? I’d have to say I’m living it now, that may change tomorrow….

TB: Best/most memorable road trip taken to date?
DarryI: So, in 1985 I had a 84 Suzuki 650GL and went for a trip, Little Rock Ark. to Houston, TX to Boulder, CO. then to San Antonio, TX to OKC. I was alone on this trip and was able to enjoy the whole thing in my time at my pace.  

TB: What is your dream road trip?
DarryI: This is where I get upset with my profession…… So my Yankee Buddy Ed was talking about doing a coast to coast road trip, Hell, I was all in. My scooter had some miles on her but nothing too bad, however, the tensioners were in need of replacement, and this bike really wasn’t one you would like to take on a ride like that, she was super loud and ultra uncomfortable. She looked great, sounded great, but after 10-12 hours you just wanted to eat a bullet….. I bought the one mentioned above and made some mods, I am ready for a big ride if my vocation will allow it…… So the Trip with Ed was my dream trip. it may come back around, who knows.

TB: Favorite motorcycle related memory/story?
DarryI: Every time I get on my bike is my new favorite, It’s the feeling of freedom for me I think, the wind, the smells, the feeling of the sun warming my face, that chill you get when you dive off a hilltop and hit the bottom of a valley, the excitement of realizing you are headed into a curve a lil to hot. These are my favorites…..  

TB: Other hobbies/interests?
DarryI: I also enjoy Golf, working on hotrods, and of course, My Grandbabies!

TB: Home region?
DarryI: The South, I have ridden all over the place at one point or another, and I have found the roads here in the south are probably the most conducive to motorcycles.

Darryl’s current ride, a 2015 Street Glide Special.

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